welcome to ozone cape
Ozone Cape is the supplier of natural ozone therapy products in South Africa.
Ozone Therapy is known to improve:
Blood Circulation |
Mental Stability |
Mineral and Vitamin Bodily Absorption |
Metabolism |
Mental Reaction |
General Brain Functionality |
Memory |
Cellular Respiration |
Digestion |
Toxin Elimination System |
Heart Functionality |
Amino Acid Utilization |
Neutralization of:
Lactic Acid Build-Ups |
Stomach Acid |
Environmental Toxicity |
Chronic Hostility |
Uric Acid Build-Ups |
Prevention of:
Constipation |
Allergies |
Irregular Heartbeats |
Shingles |
Degenerative Disease |
Epstein Barr |
Stress Build-Up |
Colds and Flu |
Lymes Disease |
Multiple Sclerosis |
Sudden Heart Attacks |
Tumours |
Premature Aging |
Gangrene |
Cluster Headaches |
Asthma |
Alzheimer’s Disease |
Nerve Related Diseases |
Cardiac Arrhythmias |
Sinusitis |
Angina |
Fever Blisters |
Peripheral Vascular Disease |
Toxic Waste Build-Up |
Tension |
Muscle Aches and Pain |
Angina |
Elimination and Killing of:
Viruses |
Bacteria |
Fungi |
Parasites |
Yeast |
Worms |
Cancer Cells |
Bad Colon Bacteria |
Tumours |
Protozoa |
Helps with:
Skin Purification and Softening |
Increasing Mental Alertness |
Calm the Temperament |
Bodily Cellular Detoxification |
Blood Purification |
Cellular Vitality |
Stress Decreasing |
Destruction of Harmful Micro Organism |
Lymph System Detoxification |
Oxidization of Bodily Poisons |
Overcoming Bodily Weakness |
Boosting of Energy Levels |
Igniting the Carbohydrates |
Lighten the Workload of the Heart |
Dispersing of Heavy Metal Toxicity |
Oxidization of Pathogenic Material |
Fighting Emphysema |
Boosting of:
General Vitality |
The Immune System |
Muscular Building and Toning |
Capillary Blood Flow |
Combating of:
Colds and Flu |
Herpes |
Infections |
Depression |
Chronic Fatigue |
Bronchial Problems |
Breaking down of cellulite while burning of excess fat and sugar. |
Breaking up of bad cholesterol. |
Decomposition of plaque, cleaning of the liver, kidneys, spleen and mucus build-up. |
Clearing of dirty fluids within the body and helps clearing brain fog. |
Oxygenation of the lympathic system, pancreas, spleen and red blood cells. |
Correcting a faulty metabolism, memory loss, high as well as low blood pressure and dizziness. |
more on water:
Interresting Read: |
Dr. Mona Harrison (MD - Director International Water Council) shares Comments and Lecture Notes.
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