air purifiers |
Benifits of air purification
- Removal of bad odours
- Nutralises, sanitises and deodorises the air naturally
- Controlls bacteria fungus, virusses in the air
- Improves asthma, emphyzema, sinusitus and allergies
- Improves brain function
- Removes tobacco and other undesireable odours.
Portable air cleaners are made to clean air in smaller areas, not the whole house. Air cleaners usually use filters, electrical attraction, or ozone to remove small particles from the air.
- Activated carbon / charcoal filters
Carbon filter pores are highly adsorbent, forming a strong chemical bond/attraction to odorous, gaseous, and liquid contaminates. As air is passed through these filters the carbon operates to collect the airborne contaminants and household pollutants. Overtime these units will require replacement charcoal as it gets clogged and contaminated.

- Ozone air purifier
Ozone is one of nature’s most powerful oxidants and germicides known to man. Ozone oxidizes airborne pollutants, and then reverts back to oxygen, transforming polluted air to pure and refreshed air.

- UV Light
The stuff floating in the air is 80% dead skin and over 350 different allergy producing air pollutants and contaminants, including cigarette, cigar and pipe smoke, germs, bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew and fungi, pollen, house dust and dust mites, odors from smoke, pets, mold, (About Mold, Mold Facts), mildew, exhaust fumes, food, body sweat, chemical gases (formaldehyde, benzene, etc.) from new carpets, furniture, cleaning products, solvents, furnishings, dry cleaning and construction.
Ultraviolet (UV) light is one of the more effective methods to reduce and control airborne pathogens. For this reason, ultraviolet purifiers are commonly used in hospitals. As contaminated air is passed through intense ultraviolet light, bacteria, viruses, and some organic compounds are destroyed. In short, the ultraviolet light damages the DNA of micro-organisms and renders them harmless and unable to reproduce. Ultraviolet light is used in much the same way for water purification systems.

Negative ions and ozone are nature's most powerful air-cleansing agents. There is nothing in the world more effective in taking allergens and contaminates out of the air we breathe. Unfortunately, due to the tight construction of today's homes and buildings, they are unable to take effect within indoor environments.
Negative ions and ozone are created by nature, and found at their most optimal levels where the air is most pure andhealthy. These places typically include up in the mountains, near waterfalls, where lightning has just occurred, in open meadows away from "the city", and the ocean shore by the crashing waves.
- Approved by the U.S. FDA (Food & Drug Admin.) as an approved allergy treatment.
- Ionization is mandatory in many European and Russian Hospitals.
- In March of 1999, Good Housekeeping Magazine had its engineers test an ionizer by using a smoke test, and found that it cleared out the smoke in a tank.
A recent study by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture found that ionizing a room led to 52% less dust in the air, and 95% less bacteria in the air (since many of the pollutants found in the air reside on floating dust particles).
Ozone oxidizes airborne pollutants, and then reverts to oxygen, leaving behind cleansed and refreshed air.
Here's how this process works:
- Oxygen Molecules

- Ozone Molecules converted from oxygen as a result of an electrical charge, such as that provided by lightning, or our air purifier.

- One oxygen atom splits off to oxidize pollutant, leaving behind breathable oxygen and purified air.
- Ozone is highly reactive, so it interacts with most contaminates and allergens it encounters.
- As the element with the second highest oxidation potential (next to fluorine), ozone proceeds to destroy the pollutant through oxidation.
The air in today's homes and buildings can contain different organic contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, mold, fungi, and spores that contribute to:
Respiratory allergy |
Itchy, watery eyes |
Asthma |
Sinus irritation |
Frequent colds and flu |
Sore throat |
Headaches |
Skin irritation |
Runny nose |
Hay fever |
Improved breathing comfort
A link is increasingly being made between health problems and the quality of the air we breathe. Reported cases of allergic diseases and asthma are on the rise. Over 80 million people across Europe have some form of allergic disease and their prevalence is increasing.
Today’s residences and buildings are better insulated than ever, but this implies a limited exchange of outdoor air with indoor air. As a result, the air we breathe indoors can be more polluted than outdoor air. Moreover, we commonly spend up to 90% of our time in indoor environments.
Removal & Collection
Certain technologies have little effect in removing solid particles from the air. UV purifiers or ozone air purifiers without a separate ionizer (many only produce a small amount of ions as by-product) will not be able to remove dust and other allergens from the air, the most common types of airborne pollutants people want removed. Ionizers without a filter can remove solid particles, but do not actually collect much of the particulate.
Removal of, Gases, & Smoke
Other air purification technologies are ineffective at these common contaminates, created by household cleaners, construction materials, cigarettes, etc. Activated carbon / charcoal filters are the most absorbent type of filter for chemicals. Destruction of Ozone and negative ions have some ability to destroy certain micro-organisms, but UV (ultraviolet) light is the most effective at destroying the greatest variety of micro-organisms. UV light destroys viruses, germs, bacteria, and fungi (such as mould) in order to help prevent illness and disease.
Thorough throughout the Home
Multiple units are most effective. Some companies claim their portable air purifier will purify an entire home. This is an inaccurate claim due to the fact that portable air purifiers cannot normally purify more than one room or an open area at a time. Even an air purifier that uses negative ions (ionizer) and ozone purification cannot effectively circulate the ions and ozone throughout a home. Negative ions and ozone cannot purify an entire home and can only cover an area of up to about 500 square ft. Ozone can travel farther before breaking down to oxygen, but ozone is not effective against most common and important indoor air pollutants (except for odours).
The other option for purifying the air throughout a home is with an in-duct air cleaner. In-duct air purifiers are not as effective as a portable unit on a room-to-room basis. Plus, it is difficult to find an in-duct air purifier that can offer multiple technologies. Indoor air can include Airborne allergens such as: pollen, dust, house dust mites’, droppings and pet dander. Triggers to allergens such as; moulds, tobacco, smoke, and adjuvant substances.
Odour Elimination
The most effective air purification technologies for eliminating odours are ozone purification and activated carbon air filtration. Ozone is a highly reactive and powerful oxidant capable of destroying odour-causing bacteria, while activated carbon is the most absorbent type of filter for removing chemical odour-causing agents. Ozone is great for environments where strong odours exist, but can be overbearing when they do not, since ozone has its own scent. In which case, it is important to be able to control the ozone output, or even to be able to turn the ozone completely.
Indoor aid pollution:
Indoor air pollution is recognized as one of the major health concerns facing the nation today. This condition has been created by the search for more energy efficient buildings and work places. Through the use of an Ozone generator we can dramatically reduce the pollution contamination, creating a much safer atmosphere indoors. Restaurants, lounges, beauty shops, gyms or any training facility, school halls, hospitals, doctor’s rooms, pharmacies and many other public areas can be cleansed of odours by destroying the source with ozone.
Household odours:
One of the most powerful and effective eliminators of smoke and a myriad of other odours is ozone.
Ozone Generating machines utilize ozone to destroy tobacco smoke and its inherent impurities plus odours from pets, cooking, mould, mildew and other household sources. Elimination of these hazards provides a much healthier atmosphere and a more comfortable living environment.
Two schools were then used for an experiment, one with OZONIZED air and another with ordinary air. Both schools contained approximately the same number of rooms. The following cases of sickness were observed and tabulated:
Tonsillitis |
13 |
57 |
Sore Throat |
24 |
60 |
Colds |
46 |
64 |
Headache |
9 |
66 |
Stomachache |
0 |
25 |
Ear-ache |
1 |
15 |
Toothache |
0 |
15 |
Indigestion |
0 |
9 |
Fever |
1 |
49 |
Influenza |
0 |
6 |
Pneumonia |
0 |
4 |
electrostatic air purifier
Easy Cleaning Electrostatic Dust Collector
Charcoal Filter or Ozone Filter
Simple Manual Switch
Two Mode Operation – High and Low
Nice Blue Decorative Light
Quiet and Suitable for Bedroom Use
Optional Components: UV Lamp, Negative Ion Generator
Maximum Power – 12V
Unit Size : (L)169x(W)140x(H)420mm and 2Kg |
Ozone Cape specialises in domestic, commercial and industrial air purification
air purifier with ozone and hepa filter
Multi-stages Cleaning : Pre-filter, HEPA filter, OZONE
Separate OZONE Button
Remote Control
Four Fan Speeds Selectable
1 to 8 Hours Timer
HEPA 10,000 Hours Change Alarm and Reset Button
OZONE Output: 50mg/hour to 500mg/hour
Suitable for room up to 80sq/m
Unit Size : (L)420x(W)122x(H)300mm and 4Kg |