Machine does not want to switch on:
- Check that the unit is plugged in and switched on.
- Ensure that the wires in the plug are still properly connected.
- Unplug the unit and check if the fuse; in the fuse holder at the back of the controller; is ok. If the fuse is blown, replace it.
- When a fuse blows after it has been fitted, call the supplier for a technician.
The screen lights up, but displays everything incorrectly.
- Switch off, wait 5 seconds, switch on again.
- If it remains the same, call for a technician.
Screen displays gibberish or random characters at random times.
Machine takes a long time to heat up.
- Make sure that there is enough water in the tank.
- During winter, it will take a bit longer to reach the desired temperature; the colder the room the longer the time. Therefore, add about 10 minutes to each session.
- Ensure that the “percentage steam” in the menu is set to 100%. Monitor the pilot light for steam at the back of the controller to see if it remains illuminated. If it is set to 100% and the lights goes on and off, call for a technician.
Does not steam at all.
- Ensure that the “percentage steam” in the menu is set to 100%. Monitor the pilot light for steam at the back of the controller to see if it remains illuminated. If it is set to 100% and the lights goes on and off, call for a technician.
The heart rate is jumpy.
- Always wet the two probes on the strap when fitting.
- If there are two or more machines in one room, they should be at least 2 meters apar
- Cell phones will cause interference, so they should be switched off or kept out of the room.
- Any radio communication devices like Blue-tooth” should be kept outside of the room.
- The heart rate will never stay constant. A ±4 heart rate count tolerance is allowed, e.g. a heart rate of 85 can jump between 81 and 89.
No heart rate.
- Always wet the two probes on the strap when fitting.
- If there is no reading, call a technician.
Temperature jumps abnormally.
Infra red does not come on when set to "on" in the menu.
No ozone when set.
- Confirm that the ozone light at the back of the controller lights up.
- Whenever the ozonater is on, you should hear a high pitch sound coming from the machine, if not, call a technician.
Screen flashes on and off during a session.
- It warns you that the water level is low, but you should be able to finish your current session.
- When the session is completed, fill up the tank to the correct level.
Screen displays; “Reservoir empty, shut down and fill”; upon startup.
- Switch off, add adequate water to the tanks, and wait for 2 minutes.
- Switch on the machine, if it still displays the same message, switch off and add more water. Wait 2 minutes.
- If there is enough water and the message still appears, call a technician.
Note! It is the owner and/or user’s responsibility to monitor the water level in the machine, at all times.
When making a call, please provide the following details for the technician:
- Model number, e.g. E346, E347 or M347 (old models). The number can be found at the back of the controller.
- If the power switch is round (black or red) or rectangular (black).
- The background colour of the screen (white, blue or green).
- Infra red (only E347), does it have red infra red globes or a far infra red element.